Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mufti Mudassir Sahib's Bayaan @ TIC on "15th of Shaban" : July 26th, 2010

Assalamu 'Alaykum Brothers and Sisters!

Tomorrow is the 15th of Sha'ban and Tracy Islamic Center would like to invite you to join us for an evening of enlightenment about
the Importance of this Holy night.

We have made the necessary arrangement to conference call the Respected Mufti Muddassir’s Bayaan (lecture) from Irvington Masjid, Fremont.

May Allah (Subhanu wa ta'ala) give us the Taufeeq to make full use of this opportunity to benefit ourselves and our families.

Monday, July 26th, after Maghrib Salaat.

Tracy Islamic Center
11299 West Larch Road
Tracy, CA 95304
[Click Here for a Map]

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