Insha-Allah, Tracy Islamic Center General Body Meeting will be held on Saturday May 4th at Traina Elementary School and dinner will be served.
Traina Elementary School
4256 Windsong Dr.
Tracy, CA 95377 [Click for Map]
Welcome: 5:15 pm
Meeting starts: 5:45 pm
A) Presentation from Tracy Islamic Center School
B) Annual update from TIC Board of Directors
C) Adoption of TIC revised Bylaws
D) Questions and Answers
E) Meeting adjourned
F) Maghrib Prayers
G) Community Dinner
H) Isha prayer
Reminder: The finalized copy of the revised TIC Bylaws based on the TIC Community input was already published on TIC website since December, 2012.
[Click here for TIC Website]
Request: The cost of the community dinner is estimated $2500 and we like to request you to please help with your financial support in order to offset the dinner cost.
We look forward to seeing you with your family at this community event.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
Tracy Islamic Center