Saturday, March 29, 2014

Masjid Construction - Update

Dear Respected Brother / Sister,

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh!
We would like to update you on the appeal we made two weeks ago for the immediate need of $125,000.

Alhumdullilah! Our concerned Muslims came forward and raised $150,000 in form of Donation and Qard-e-Hasana, Masjid construction work is moving forward, Allahu Akbar !!!
We pray Allah (SWT) give barakah in lives of those who have contributed, and for those who will contribute in this Sadaqah Jariyah project.
Goal: To complete the remaining construction work of Phase-1A by June, 2014 and and hold our upcoming Ramadan prayers in this Masjid we just need $550,000 in next 3 months (April, May & June, 2014)

Dear Brother /Sister,
Let us put a goal for the month of April to raise $200,000.
This is not a big target when every Muslim who receives this message put his or her efforts to raise the targeted funds in the form of Donation and Qard-e-Hasana. “Every Penny Counts” Please help ? ? ?

Please note: Tracy Islamic Center will issue a Notarized Promissory Note against your Qard-e-Hasana.
We further request you to please forward this email to your family members and to your Muslim friends, so that they can also participate in this Masjid's construction.
For any question or suggestion, please leave your message at (209) 830-6286.

Jazak Allah,
Board of Directors
Tracy Islamic Center

Tracy, California

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Masjid Construction - Urgent Appeal

Dear Respected Brother / Sister,

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh!

Goal:     “To complete Phase1-A by the mid of June, 2014, and hold our upcoming Ramadan prayers in this Masjid”.

Alhumdullilah! In past 8 months we have made significant progress on the construction of Tracy Islamic Center's Masjid “Phase 1-A”, almost 70% complete.

Please click the following link to see the construction progress pictures:

Challenge: The incoming donations speed is slower than the construction progress and we are at the brink to stop the construction work.

Now $700,000 is required in next 3 months to complete the reaming construction work of Phase-1A and hold prayers in this Masjid.

Immediate need: $125000 otherwise Masjid construction work would be stopped at any time.

Appeal: We need your help, besides your donation; can you please consider to give a short term no interest loan (Qard-e-Hasana) of any amount for this Masjid construction.

Please come forward and help with your financial support to establish our own Community Bank with your Qard-e-Hasana to complete the remaining construction work of this Masjid by mid of June this year.

Once the Masjid’s Phase-1A is complete and we obtained the occupancy permit from San Joaquin County after that if we need, we can borrow money on the Masjid building from Islamic Bank to payoff any short term Qard-e-Hasana.

Can you help please ? ? ? ? ? ?

Please note: Tracy Islamic Center will issue you a notarized Promissory Note against your Qard-e-Hasana.

Insha-Allah soon we will hold an open house for you to review the Masjid Construction, please stay tuned.

We further request you to please forward this email to your family members and to your circle of Muslim friends, so that they can also get an opportunity to participate in this Masjid's construction.

For any question or suggestion, please leave your message at
(209) 830-6286.

Jazak Allah,
Board of Directors
Tracy Islamic Center

Tracy, California

Monday, March 3, 2014

Inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'oun

Dear Respected Community Member:


Inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'oun

Truly we belong to Allah and truly to Him we shall return. [Al-Baqara - (002:156)]

Tracy Islamic Center expresses its deepest condolences that the Mother of Brother Asif Alvi (a memebr of TIC Election Commision) has passed away yesterday in Sharjah, UAE.

May Allah (SWT) The Most Merciful have mercy on her soul, forgive her short comings and accept her prayers and good deeds. Grant peace and Noor in her grave, grant her the best of the Jannah (Jannat al-Firdaous).

Please make Dua-e-Maghfirah for her, May Allah (SWT) grant her a place in Jannat-ul-Firdaus. May Allah (SWT) give strength and sabr-e-jameel to the family of Brother Asif Alvi to bear this loss.

May Allah (SWT) grant patience to the family and increase their Imaan, make them better Muslims, replace what they lost with something better! Aameen.


Tracy Islamic Center
Tracy, CA

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