Sunday, July 27, 2014

Eid Mubarak! Eid-ul-Fitr Tomorrow Monday July. 28th, 2014

Dear Respected Community Member,

Asalaam-olaykum & Eid Mubarak!

The new moon has been sighted, therefore the first of Shawwal and Eid-ul-Fitr will be Tomorrow, Monday July  28th, 2014.

Eid-ul- Fitr prayer arrangement:

1. Eid prayer start time: 8:00 AM (sharp)
2. Location: Traina School
3- Address: 4256 Windsong Drive Tracy, CA 95377
    [Click Here for Map]

Eid- ul-Fitr: Eid prayer will be held on the grassy ground of Traina School and prayer will start at 8:00 am (Sharp).

"Eid-ul-Fitr Salat (Namaz) is a Wajib (strongly recommended, just short of obligatory) salat of two raka'ah. This salat should be performed with Jama’at with extra six Takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the first raka'ah and three of them just before ruku' in the second raka'ah. The Eid prayer is followed by the khutbah (sermon) and then a supplication (dua) asking for forgiveness, mercy and help for all living beings across the world.”

Fitra: This year Fitra amount is $10/ person, please pay your Fitra before the Eid ul fitr prayer (Fitra Boxes will be availabale at Traina School).

Please Note: Today Sunday (July 27th) evening after the potluck iftaar, Traina hall will be given to Sisters only for their activities.

Please accept an advanced Eid Mubarak from the Management team of Tracy Islamic Center.

Thank you and Jazak Allah,

Tracy Islamic Center
Management Team

Friday, July 25, 2014

Tomorrow Saturday: Community Iftaar, Khatmul Qur’an & Masjid Construction Fundraising

Dear Respected Community Member,


Insha-Allah tomorrow Saturday on 29th of Ramadan Tracy Islamic Center has Khatmul-Qur’an at Traina School and evening program is as following:

   1) Isha Prayer will start at 15 minutes earlier at 9:45 pm
   2) Fundraising for Masjid construction
   3) Traweeh/ Khatmul Qur’an, and Duaa
   4) Sweets distribution

Tomorrow Saturday July 26th we have a Community Iftaar at Traina school. We request all community members to please attend this Community Iftaar, Isha prayer, and fundraising for our Masjid construction followed with Khatmul Quran.

Our Masjid Construction Fundraising Target is $125,000. We request your help, please donate generously so we can complete the Masjid construction by the mid of August (Next Month).

Please click the link below to see the latest construction progress of the Masjid:
Masjid Construction Pictures

Sunday July 27th we will have Potluck community iftaar at Traina school, Tracy Islamic Center will provide Dates, Milk, paper products and we request you all please bring well cooked food and two soda (2 liter) bottles for your family and little extra to share with other community members.

Eid- ul-Fitr: Eid prayer will be held on the grassy ground of Traina School and prayer will start at 8:00 am. Eid –ul-Fitr will be either on Monday July 28th or Tuesday July 29th, subject to new moon sighting on Sunday evening.

Fitra: This year Fitra amount is $10/ person, please pay your Fitra before the Eid ul fitr prayer.

If the new moon is sighted on Sunday evening after the potluck iftaar Traina hall will be given to Sisters only for their activities.

Traina School address:
4256 Windsong Drive
Tracy, CA 95377 [Click Here for Map]

Thank you and Jazak Allah,

Tracy Islamic Center
Management Team

Friday, July 4, 2014

Community Iftaars this Weekend

Dear Respected Community Member,


Insha-Allah on this weekend (Saturday July 5th and Sunday July 6th) we have community Iftaars at Traina School. Please join these Iftaars with your family and please come by 8:00 pm so we can all together make a duaa just before Iftaars.

Traina School address:
4256 Windsong Drive
Tracy, CA 95377 [Click Here for Map]

These iftaars are sponsored by our community member or by group of community members. Currently we have 3 weekend days are left to sponsor. If you would like to sponsor Iftaar as an individual or as a part of a group, please contact Br. Saifi Raniwala (209-612-8194) or Br. Wajahat Hussain (510- 378-4123) ASAP for more details.

We request each Family from Tracy and Mountain House areas, please donate $100 towards the Ramadan expenses. There is a special donation box marked as “Donation for Ramadan Expense” will be available at Community Iftaar and at Traweeh prayer time on the donation collection table.

Jazak Allah and we look forward to see you in the community Iftaar.

Management Team
Tracy Islamic Center

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