Dear Respected
Community Member,
Asalaam-olaykum & Eid Mubarak!
Eid-ul-Adha, Saturday, October 4th, 2014.
Eid-ul- Adha prayer will be held at Traina School (Grassy ground area)
3- Eid prayer start: 8:15 AM
Please Note:
Volunteers help is requested on the Eid day for prayer area setup, volunteers need to arrive at Traina School by 7:10 AM.
Please accept an advanced Eid Mubarak from the Management team of Tracy Islamic Center.

Tracy Islamic Center
Management Team
Asalaam-olaykum & Eid Mubarak!
Eid-ul-Adha, Saturday, October 4th, 2014.
Eid-ul- Adha prayer will be held at Traina School (Grassy ground area)
1- Traina
School Address: 4256 Windsong Drive Tracy, CA 95377
[Click Here for Map]
2- Takbeer start: 7:45 AM[Click Here for Map]
3- Eid prayer start: 8:15 AM
Please Note:
Volunteers help is requested on the Eid day for prayer area setup, volunteers need to arrive at Traina School by 7:10 AM.
Please accept an advanced Eid Mubarak from the Management team of Tracy Islamic Center.
Thank you and Jazak Allah,
Tracy Islamic Center
Management Team