Thursday, June 21, 2018

Eid get-together on Saturday July 7th, 2018

Assalamu 'Alaikum va-Rahmatullaahi va-Barakaatuh,
Insha'Allah! On Saturday July 7th, 2018 we will be having Eid get-together at Tracy Islamic Center. Please come and enjoy a fun and get-together evening for the whole family.
There will be lots of activities for kids which includes Jumpers, Cotton candies and popcorn. On that evening, we will also hold prize distribution ceremony for the Basketball tournament held at Tracy Islamic Center during the month of Ramadan.
On his Eid get-together evening, food will be available to purchase as shown in the flyer as well as on the RSVP URL below. Please send your RSVP by July 5th so your food could be ordered.
Event Time - From 6:00PM till Isha
11970 W. Larch Road,
Tracy, CA 95304
Looking forward to see all the community members at this event.

Jazak'Allah Khair,
Tracy Islamic Center Management

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Youth Program on Friday June 29th, 2018

Dear Respected Brother/Sister,

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh !

Insha’Allah! Tracy Islamic Center monthly Youth program is on Friday June 29th, 2018.

Please plan to attend this event and learn more about the Islamic values which we need to adopt in our daily life.

Topic: Recognizing concept of sacrificing different aspects of deen for our faith, as well as a discussion on how one fully commits themselves to the goals and values of Islam.

Guest Speaker :  Sheikh Basem & Br. Tariq Mojaddedi         

Program Details

Maghrib Prayer :             Sunset (8:35 PM)
Program Starts :              After Maghrib Prayer
Isha Prayer :                  10:15 PM
Basketball Game :           10:30 PM
Program Ends :               11:30 PM

Note: No Parents will be allowed to sit in this program

Jazak'Allah Khair,
Tracy Islamic Center Management

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Eid Mubarak! Eid-ul-Fitr tomorrow Friday June 15th, 2018

Dear Respected Community Member,

Assalamu'Alaikum va-Rahmatullaahi va-Barakaatuh & Eid Mubarak!
Moon has been sighted locally. Insha'Allah Eid-ul-Fitr is tomorrow Friday, June 15th, 2018.
Eid-ul-Fitr prayer will be held at Veteran's Park (Grass ground area)
     238 Glenhaven Drive
     Tracy, CA 95377
2- Takbeer starts at 8:00 AM
3- Eid prayer starts at 8:15 AM (SHARP)
Special request to all Community Members
  1. Volunteers help is requested on the Eid day for prayer area setup, volunteers need to arrive at Veteran's Park by 7:00 AM.
  2. There will be plenty of road side parking at Veteran's park so please do not park your vehicle in front of any driveway of neighborhood houses.
  3. Since we will be praying Eid in an open park, please allow ample time to park your car and make your way to the designated prayer area, shown on the map [Click for Map].
  4. Please be careful: Tracy Police will make extra rounds around the Veteran's park area and illegally parked vehicles will be towed away at the owner's expense.
  5. Please bring your prayer rug just in case.
  6. We will also appreciate that you please bring your own chair, if you need one.
Please accept an advanced Eid Mubarak from the Management team of Tracy Islamic Center.
Note: We will be having our Eid Celebrations/Get-together on Saturday July 7th at TIC from 6:00 PM onwards and more details will be provided soon.

Jazak'Allah Khair,
Tracy Islamic Center Management Team

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Khatmul-Qur’an, Chand Raat and Eid Prayers for this week at TIC

Dear Respected Community Member:

Assalamu 'Alaikum va-Rahmatullaahi va-Barakaatuh !!

Reminder from Tracy Islamic Center for this week:

1) Khatmul Qur’an & Masjid Construction Fundraising
    A. Khatmul-Qur’an
a. Insha'Allah, Khatmul-Qur’an will be tomorrow the 29thnight of Ramadan (Wednesday June 13th)
b. Fundraising for Masjid Expansion Project 
c. Taraweeh/ Khatmul Qur’an, and Duaa
d. Sweets distribution
We request all community members to please attend this event and participate and donate generously for the next construction phase of the Masjid.
    B. Fitra
a. This year minimum Fitra amount is $10/ person
b. Fitra must be paid prior to Eid-ul-Fitr prayer.
c. Fitra box is available daily at Masjid and will also at the Eid prayer site.
    C. Zakat
a. Zakat is 3rd pillar of our religion “Islam”
b. Please pay your Zakat to Tracy Islamic Center.
c. Zakat collection box is available at TIC.

2) Chand Raat (Sisters Only)
Insh'Allah Chand Raat will be on either Thursday June 14th or Friday June 15th based on New Moon Sighting.
For more details and stall enquiries please call
Sr. Ajab - (209) 612.8195
Sr. Saba - (510) 378.8070
Sr. Razia  - (209) 834.6611 

3) Eid-ul Fitr Update
Insh'Allah Eid ul Fitr will be on either Friday June 15th or Saturday June 16th based on New Moon Sighting.
Eid-ul-Fitr prayer will be held at Veteran's Park (Grass ground area)
a) Veteran's Park
    238 Glenhaven Drive
    Tracy, CA 95377
b) Takbeer starts at 8:00 AM
c) Eid prayer starts at 8:15 AM (SHARP)
Special request to all Community Members
There will be plenty of road side parking at Veteran's park so please do not park your vehicle in front of any driveway of neighborhood houses.
Since we will be praying Eid in an open park, please allow ample time to park your car and make your way to the designated prayer area, shown on the map [Click for Map].
Please be careful: Tracy Police will make extra rounds around the Veteran's park area and illegally parked vehicles will be towed away at the owner's expense.

JazakAllah Khair
Tracy Islamic Center Management Team

Monday, June 11, 2018

Chand Raath Event - 2018

Dear Respected Community Member:

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh !

JazakAllah Khair

Tracy Islamic Center Management Team

Friday, June 8, 2018

Weekend Activities at Tracy Islamic Center

Dear Respected Community Member:

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh !

Events for this weekend at Tracy Islamic Center

1. Weekend Iftaars
Insha'Allah this weekend Saturday June 9th and Sunday  June 10th we will be having  community sponsored iftaar's at the Masjid.

These community iftaars are an open invitation to our community members, please join. 

Volunteer help needed and we request you to please come early at Masjid for setup and clean up. Jazak'Allah Khair and may Allah accept your efforts and reward you better than your expectations.

2. Ground Breaking - Masjid expansion Project 
Insha'Allah ground breaking for next phase of Masjid Construction Project will be on Sunday June 10th after Asr prayers 6:30 PM till Maghrib prayers, and followed by Community Iftaar.

JazakAllah Khair

Tracy Islamic Center Management Team

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