Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Election: TIC Board of Directors

Respected TIC member,


We are honored to serve on the TIC Election Commission (EC) to manage the election process of our next TIC Board of Directors (BOD).

BOD members serve for two years and the board is composed of ten members and the board president. For further details on the rolls and responsibilities of TIC BOD members please click on TIC Bylaws. 

We would like to highlight the director of women activities roll and encourage our women members to be nominated to the BOD.
TIC election commission (EC) is accepting nominations for
1. BOD member
2. BOD president. 

Please note that the community will vote for ten board members and vote for board president.

EC is accepting nomination for the BOD using the methods listed below: 
A Nomination request must have the indication “Member” or “President”.
1. Emailing ec@tracyislamicceter.org . Please include
    a. Member full name
    b. Member phone number.

2. Filling a nomination request form and placing the form in the nomination box at the Masjid.

 Printable Nomination Form

A nominee is approved by the EC if the nominee is eligible to become a member in accordance with the TIC bylaws. Please see the bylaws under the link provided above.

Mainly EC will confirm that the nominee
a. Is a TIC member
b. Is willing to serve as a member on the TIC BOD.

Respected member, please confirm with the individuals you are nominating his/her willingness to server before submitting the nomination to EC.

The nomination process will be closed Sunday, Feb. 8th midnight. EC will not accept any nomination after this date.

EC will send election details during the week of Feb 9.

Thank You,

TIC Election Commission

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