Sunday, February 10, 2019

TIC Election: Board of Directors 2019

Dear Respected TIC members,
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh !

The TIC Election Commission is holding elections for the TIC Board of Directors (BOD) on March 23rd and is accepting nominations for: 
  1. BOD Member
  2. BOD President 
As you all know, volunteering to serve our community is admirable and serving on the BOD is a rewarding deed. For those who wish to step forward to lead our community for the next four years, please fill the nomination form and email it to or hand it to one of the EC members: 
  1. Amer Hammudi
  2. Shabbir Hassan
  3. Yusuf Abdul-Rehman
The Election Commission encourages TIC members to participate in this election process and become informed of our community plans. To that end, the Election Commission will be hosting a Nominee’s Forum on Saturday March 9th after Maghrib prayers. Further details on the forum will be emailed later with consolidated nominees’ information.

Please note that the nomination period will be closed on Friday March 1st, 2019.

Further details regarding the election process will be sent in due time.

Thank You,
TIC Election Commission

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